Revati Ilanko will present select items from a Bharatanatyam margam. The event will be conducted by gurus Adyar K Lakshman and Induvadana Malli. On the 7th of October, from 7:15pm at "Muttamizh Peravai" T N Rajarathinam Pillai Auditorium, 92, Durgabhai Deshmukh Rd, R. A. Puram, Chennai.
Suswaralaya College of Music, Jayanagar, Bangalore (Phone: 080 - 26633623 /26545655/94480-59595) is hosting its Navarathri Concerts Fest along with Umamaheshwara Temple, K R Road, Bangalore from Oct.17 to 23. .
Sruti is entering its 30th year on 16th October and the 80th birthday of Sruti's founder-editor the late N. Pattabhi Raman falls on 24th October. The Sruti Foundation in Cehnnai is celebrating this with a three-day event on October 19, 20 and 21 -- every evening at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore. The prestigious E. Krishna Iyer Medal will be presented to 80-year old Bharatanatyam dance guru K. Kalyanasundaram of Mumbai. The Vellore Gopalachariar Memorial Award is being presented to vidushi Suguna Purushothaman. This event will take place on day 2. On Day One, scholar Dr Chithra Madhavan, Bharatanatyam dancer Roja Kannan and Carnatic vocalist Bharathi Ramasubban collaborate to present a novel programme - Chidambaram - The Seen and Unseen. On Day 2, after the awards function, Suguna Purushothaman, with sishya K Gayathri by her side will lec-dem on ' Nuances of Musiri bani'. On Day 3, Shashadhar Acharya and his troupe present a demo cum recital on the Three Styles of Chhau -- Seraikella, Mayurbhanj and Purulia. A rare opportunity to watch all three styles under one roof. For more details contact -
Kalamandir Trust, an institution focussed on the promotion of classical music and dance is organising a concert in memory of its founder S. Viswanathan on October 20, 2012 at The Music Academy, Chennai. This is a free concert and admission is open to all. The concert will feature "Sri Maatha" – a collection of Carnatic compositions on Devi, the primordial mother presented by renowned Carnatic vocalist, Sanjay Subrahmanyan followed by "Krishna Bhakthi" – a portrayal in Mohiniattam of the love towards Lord Krishna in three dimensions by Dr. Neena Prasad, an accomplished classical dancer..