
Bharatanatyam Artistes Assn. annual day

Association of Bharatanatyam Artistes of India - ABHAI - is celebrating its 30th annual day in the presence of Dr. Yamini Krishnamurti, Indira Rajan, Dr M. S. Swaminathan and its president, Chitra Visweswaran on May 1.

The event starts at 6 p.m. at the Rukmini Devi Arundale Kalaiarangam, Tamil Nadu Eyal Isai Nataka Manram, R A Puram, Chennai 600028.

Awards are to be given to Yamini Krishnamurti and Indira Rajan, Deepak Majumdar and Sheejith Krishna, Kandadevi   Vijayaraghavan and Nellai Kannan, Radhika Shurajit and Vedakrishna Rao.

Young dance teachers and teen dancers will perform rare dance items learnt at ABHAI's workshops - called Abhivriddhishaala.

All are welcome.

Contacts -  890 371 7751 / 2499 4751